A unique manufacturing process
Because each pot is 3d-printed to order, we’re able to offer a wider variety of designs/styles and colors than other plant pot creators. This manufacturing process allows for greater detail, so designs can be tailored to current trends and colors can always be updated.
A step towards a healthier planet
The plastic used for 3d printing is made of a corn starch compound that will naturally biodegrade. Although not all additives are biodegradable, it is a step towards a healthier planet. Miss Planty Pants also sticks mostly to filament suppliers that offer spool on cardboard, rather than plastic, and re uses as much packing material as possible.
A women-owned small business
Miss Planty Pants operates a small print farm out of Pine Hill, NJ. By purchasing from us instead of big box retailers, you’re helping our small business grow.
For any questions, comments, or concerns about your order, or for wholesale inquiries, please contact alexandra@missplantypants.com or use the form below.